Open BlueDragon Admin Console Project

One of the first community efforts happening now that Open BlueDragon is out in the wild is developing a browser-based admin console. Due to the copyrighted materials included in the commercial BlueDragon admin console it had to be removed from OpenBD, and while editing the single bluedragon.xml file actually isn’t that bad, having a nice browser-based admin console is something CFML developers are used to, and this also gives us an opportunity to build a nice API around it.

If you want to follow progress on this project, make sure and join the OpenBD Google Group since that’s where the discussions will happen, and you can follow the wiki and issue tracker on Google Code to see things like the requirements and specs as we finalize those.

Finally, if you want to get involved and ESPECIALLY if you know a good UI/design person, PLEASE get in touch with me! We’d like something that’s a bit slicker than the Tomcat admin console, which is what we’ll end up with if I do the design myself.


nice, i haven’t played with OpenBD yet, but i plan to soon.

i might be able to help out with the UI/design, do you have any details yet on how extensive that’s going to be or what exactly needs to be done?

A nice simple EXT interface would be outstanding.

@Rick–personally I’d probably recommend staying away from ExtJS because of their recent licensing controversy, but I suspect we’ll have some AJAX in there of some sort. At the moment ExtJS is compatible with GPLv3 (they went to a “quid pro quo” license so if the application you’re using ExtJS with isn’t open source, you have to buy a license), but the fact that they went commercial with what is the classic definition of a library is a bit irritating to me. While this wouldn’t impact the OpenBD project since it’s all open source, there are plenty of AJAX libraries out there that have more friendly licenses in general.

you could still use ExtJS 2.0.1 which is LGPL

@Chris H–thanks, and I get what you’re saying, but committing to a javascript library that’s doing screwy things with their licensing (IMO) just seems a bit silly since there are plenty of equally good alternatives out there. Even the newest versions of ExtJS are GPLv3, which is fine for OpenBD, I just have a hard time feeling good about using ExtJS and there are lots of others out there.

yeah, i understand. jQuery UI should suffice as well

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